Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Love My Paramedic!

My husband is an amazing Paramedic and we are always looking for Paramedic things for both of my boys.  Well, there just isn't a lot out there to choose from! So... I decided to take it upon myself to make a hat for all of those people with Paramedics in their lives!  I still need to perfect the Star of Life, but here's a first look at the hat and my little model wearing it...

 I will be adding this to my Etsy site as soon as I figure out the correct pattern I want to use!


  1. Do you have a pattern for this beanie?

  2. Hi Mrs. Dez,

    I'm Sorry I haven't made a pattern for the star of life yet. If you are really interested you can email me at and I will try to write up a pattern for you. :-) Have a great day!
